Wal-Mart made the decision today to reduce Mike Duke with long-term Wal-Mart executive Doug McMillon.  This is a rather abrupt move considering Wal-Mart’s history of retaining CEO’s for long periods of time.  I still believe that Wal-Mart is the best positioned retailer to fight off Amazon.  It is my opinion, that the company should offer to match any deal offered from other retailers.  This would allow it to become the one-stop-shop for just about every staple retail purchase.  Obviously it would impact Wal-Mart’s margins, but it would be crippling for its competitors’ including Amazon.  Wal-Mart’s distribution and logistics are superior to its competition outside of Amazon, so the combination of these strengths and guaranteeing better pricing than Amazon, would ensure Wal-Mart’s place as the low-cost leader.  This strategy has worked very well for Best Buy, despite Best Buy being in a much weaker competitive position in comparison with Wal-Mart.  I don’t view Wal-Mart’s stock as being particularly attractive or expensive at the current time.




