
Wealth Management
As discussed in our last newsletter, value stocks have roared back strongly to outperform struggling momentum stocks over the last two weeks.  This is only two weeks, but it is worth discussing, because it augurs to how we see the market in the future.  How can we generate the returns we are targeting of double-digit,...
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On Monday August 5th, stocks plunged by about 3%, as escalating trade tensions continued to garner fear, after the worst week of the year last week.  The Chinese government is allowing their currency to decline, which benefits their competitive advantage on trade.  This was in response to last week’s news of additional tariffs on China. ...
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While this optimism ultimately may prove to be valid if interest rates stay this low for many years to come and if earnings continue to grow, there is also a very real chance that many market participants will get badly burned. Most of this year's stock returns for the overall market are coming from Amazon,...
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Nearly a decade of unprecedented fiscal stimulus was bound to create bubbles. Last year, we had the great sovereign debt bubble where investors were paying countries and companies for the right to LOAN them money. As interest rates, have climbed, the foolishness of those participants has become more apparent as have their losses. Yield-desperate market...
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At T&T Capital Management, (TTCM) our core competencies are research and money management. The first step in our investment process is identifying deeply undervalued securities...
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As I write this, the Dow has experienced its longest losing streak since 2011. Nearly 1/4th of the way into 2017, we are finally seeing some real volatility and more attractive investment opportunities are popping up each day.
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Today I read an excellent article in the WSJ regarding the fact that stocks have tripled since their March 2009 lows, but savers are still being squeezed from low interest rates...
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I’ve been warning all year about a clear and obvious bubble in consumer staples stocks.  The same can be said for utilities and many areas on the fixed income market.  This bubble has been built on the pervasive market sentiment that as long as the dividend yield is reasonably greater than what can be obtained...
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It looks as though the PROMESA legislation is going to be approved by the Senate and signed by the President in the very near future. While far from perfect, this legislation is also far from being a worst case scenario for both creditors and bond insurance companies. It is hard to overstate just how attractive...
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I’ve received many questions on really what the Brexit means. It is a rather confusing subject in many ways so I found a very good article that does a better job explaining it than I could personally. I wouldn’t pay too much consideration into the last few days trading since the results of the election...
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