Bill Gates & Warren Buffett Laugh Off Gold as 'Purely Speculative, Non-Productive' Asset

This is a bit older video, but still relevant due to the monetary policy concerns, which still leads speculators towards gold.  Both Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are extremely insightful in this regard in that purchasers of gold are completely reliant on someone being willing to pay a greater price, because the asset is completely non-productive.  When interest rates ultimately increase, the carrying costs of holding gold in a portfolio increase because it will not generate any cash.  Gold prices have dropped over the last year and the opportunity cost that speculators’ have paid to own gold has been quite high, unless of course they bought it during the late 1990’s or early 2000’s.  Moving forward, I still don’t find gold attractive and would much rather own undervalued businesses trading at a large discount to intrinsic value.–warren-buffett-laugh-off-gold-as-purely-speculative-nonproductive-asset