T&T Capital Management is a Registered Investment Advisor located in Coto de Caza, California that focuses on providing deep value investment strategies to institutions, families, and individuals across the globe.
T&T Capital Management is a Registered Investment Advisor located in Coto de Caza, California that focuses on providing deep value investment strategies to institutions, families, and individuals across the globe.
T&T Capital Management is founded by veteran value investor, Tim Travis; he is also our CEO and Chief Investment Officer. Our investment philosophies are inspired by the likes of Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Martin Whitman, Bruce Berkowitz, and Wilbur Ross. This means that we identify a security’s intrinsic value and purchase it well below that value, ensuring an adequate margin of safety for our clients and ourselves.
We take pride in veering away from the latest Wall Street fads and instead maintain an iron-clad focus on deep value investing. We practice long-term investing. We never get blinded by the amount we can earn from an investment, and we mitigate risk by first focusing on how much we could lose. We measure risks in absolutes, as opposed to relatives. If the market is has turned away from our favor and we can’t find good investment opportunities, we would rather sit on cash than make poor investment choices. This is how we not only build wealth, but protect the wealth we already have. This is what we do for our clients
Tim Travis is a veteran deep value investor and money manager with extensive experience in traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds, and deep value investing.
Peter Travis is the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Customer Relations at T&T Capital Management. Peter cultivated his interest in finance from a young age.
In 2012, Amanda relocated to Arizona with her family. She started her career in the finance industry at a firm in Scottsdale, which recruits experienced financial advisors.
As a 24-year veteran of the investment industry, Scott prides himself on his diverse investment background, and his strong Midwestern values and work ethic.
Mitch entered the financial industry in the late 1990’s where he has since established himself as a disciplined and passionate advisor and educator within the industry.